Why Choose an RDHAP
Exceptional teeth cleaning at your home or on-site at your nursing facility serving the Bay Area.
Why choose an on-site Hygienist (RDHAP)
What is an RDHAP? In order to practice in settings outside a traditional dental office, a registered dental hygienist (RDH) can pursue specialized training to obtain a specialized license that certifies them as a Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice (RDHAP). These alternative settings may include schools, skilled nursing facilities, hospitals, private homes, or their own RDHAP offices.
Choose comfortable, convenient, and customized dental hygiene care:
Increases access to dental care: a model of care delivery that is responsive to patients as well as personal and professional satisfying
Professional preventive care that patients would receive in a dental office, but enables a dental hygienist to deliver services at a location more convenient for the patient
RDHAP is skilled to treat the elderly, disabled, and children bridging the gap for patients unable to get to a dentist
RDHAP is skilled in behavioral management techniques for dental fear, memory loss, genetic disorders, etc.
Reaching out to individuals and communities who need care but can not get to a dental office
Creating new consumer choices for preventive treatments and services
Providing services in settings and at times that are convenient for patients
Decreasing the fear of dental treatment in people who are not used to having their dental care needs addressed, through a gradual introduction to dental procedures
Providing referrals for dental care for patients needing restorative treatment
Developing collaborative practice models with dental, medical, and nursing professionals in a variety of settings
Developing data collection systems to track patient outcomes with the goal of showing how dental hygiene care can lead to improvements in oral health and overall health
Educating individuals, families, caregivers, and health providers on the basics of oral health and dental hygiene, and oral health’s connection to overall health and wellbeing.
History of RDH & RDHAP Timeline:
1914 first graduating class of “Dental Nurses”
1917 first licensed Dental Hygienist
1923 American Dental Hygiene Association (ADHA)Formed
1940 RDH had a label
1950 Ultrasonic Scaler
1988 PPE mandatory by OSHA
1990 WA allowed unsupervised care and other states continued
1990’s ADHA allowed local anesthesia numbing
1998 RDHAP new dental health profession
1980-2003 RDHAP process of development
2002-2004 RDHAP licensing
Patient population
The patient population of RDHAPs includes traditionally underserved people, including but not limited to;
Institutionalized elderly
Migrant farmworkers and their families
Pregnant women on Denti-Cal
Rural school children
Developmentally disabled children and adults
Wards of locked state institutions
Low income rural and urban families
The number and diversity of their patients are emblematic of how many people are unable to access traditional dental services.
Video about RDHAP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CArDlG4LXjA
What is an RDHAP https://www.rdhapconnect.com/about.html
CDA supports RDHAP https://www.cda.org/Home/News-and-Events/Newsroom/Article-Details/rdhaps-a-bridge-between-the-patient-and-the-dentist
Innovation of RDHAP https://www.rdhmag.com/career-profession/article/16405400/the-innovation-of-the-rdhap
CA Dental Hygiene Association (CDHA) https://www.dhbc.ca.gov/consumers/duties_rdhap.shtml
Alternative Practice Dental Hygiene in CA Study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3325901/
Legislation supporting RDHAP https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=BPC&division=2.&chapter=4.&article=9.
RDHAP UCSF Access Report https://healthforce.ucsf.edu/sites/healthforce.ucsf.edu/files/publication-pdf/CPAC_RDHAP_Access_Report_508_Final.pdf